guarantees the lowest delivered price on every item we sell – up to 30 days after your purchase.
If you see a lower, publicly advertised delivered price on any item, we’ll do our best to beat it.
Very few of our customers actually report finding lower prices. We endeavor to review major national catalogs and competing websites to guarantee that you always get the lowest price. When you order from, you can be confident that you are getting the best possible deal.
What is the delivered price of an item?
The delivered price of an item or order is the entire cost to you of the identical merchandise, currently available, delivered to your home using an identical shipping method (or your own transportation if it’s a store in your immediate area), and any applicable tax collected by the retailer. If a competitor is $5 less on the product, but charges $30 more for shipping, we’ve still got the lowest price. If a local store is $5 less on a product, but collected $30 more for tax, we’ve still got the lowest price.
What is identical merchandise?
Our guarantee applies only to identical merchandise. This means the merchandise must be factory-fresh new inventory offered by authorized U.S. retailers in accordance with their dealer agreements in their own sales channels (in a store, on their official website, in their catalog, in a newspaper ad).
- We cannot beat competing offers on used gear.
- We cannot beat competing offers on items that are no longer current or for merchandise that is no longer available.
- We cannot beat competing offers from classified ads or auctions (open or closed), regardless of whether the merchandise is new or used.
- We cannot beat competing offers on discontinued items, closeouts, demos, or items out of the box (even from authorized dealers).
- We cannot beat competing offers mentioned to you only verbally, whether in person or on the phone.
- We cannot beat competing offers advertised only within an individual store (such as on an in-store sign or price tag).
If you find a lower price somewhere else, there is typically a reason; not all merchandise is identical, and not all dealers stand behind their goods as an authorized US retailer entitling you to full warranty on a product. Please do shop carefully!
How do you get the difference refunded on an item you’ve already purchased?
We guarantee the lowest delivered price for 30 days after your purchase. Please just give us a call toll-free 1-888-246-4442(US) 1-408-573-1400(Intl.).
What can you do if you don’t feel we’ve lived up to our Guarantee?
If you ever feel we have not lived up to any of our Guarantees, we want to know about it – and we want a chance to do right if we agree. Contact Us…
What evidence is required?
We will need evidence of the competing offer sufficient to verify that the offer meets the criteria outlined above. This varies from circumstance to circumstance.
How do you get us to beat another price?
If you have not yet placed your order, please just give us a call at 1-888-246-4442(US) 1-408-573-1400(Intl.)